Events  >  Sessions

42 CIGRE Session (24-29 August 2008)

Russian delegation: 79 participants.
Head of delegation: Professor Anatoly F. Dyakov, Chairman of Russian NC.

12 papers presented by Russian NC:

À1-103 E. Gurevich, N. Pinchuk
Experimental study of the latest design of the powerful air-cooled turbogenerator stator
À1-104 I. Dovganjuk, I. Labunets, L. Mamikonyants, V. Zinakov, E. Chernishov, L. Kadi-Ogly, N. Pinchuk
At site test and service experience verification of the principally new turbogenerator type – asynchronized air cooled one
À3-103 A. Hlyzov, S. Krylov, I. Shleifman, L. Timashova, N. Yasinskaya, L. Mamikonyants
Approaches to the problems of an aged high voltage switching equipment further usability determination and reliable operation ensuring in Russia
À3-303 A. Gayvoronsky, L. Darian, J. Goryushin, J. Dementyev, I. Arkhipov, G. Agafonov, B. Berlin, K. Kadomskaya, O. Laptev, A. Akopyan
Analysis of the antiresonant 220-500 kV voltage transformers application efficiency
Â4-102 G. Tsfasman, A. Mazurenko, A. Mordcovich, A. Tarasov, E. Zmaznov, A. Bastunsky, D. Lubarsky, G. Prochan, A. Popov, E. Rossovsky
New integrated control and protection system for VYBORG back-to-back HVDC link
Â4-203 Z. Hvoshinskaya, N. Novikov, V. Sitnikov, V. Kochkin, L. Mamikonyants, Yu. Shakaryan, V. Dyachkov, N. Shulginov
Prospects of FACTS devices application in the power grid of Russia
Ñ2-101 B. Ayuev, P. Erokhine, Y. Kulikov
PMU application for IPS/UPS dynamic performance monitoring and study
Ñ2-205 A. Bondarenko, V. Gerikh, A. Zhukov, A. Gerasimov, A. Esipovich, Y. Kucherov, M. Zorin, N. Resetnikova
Digital models perfection for solving problems of IPS/UPS systemic reliability
Ñ3-109 V. Klimenko, D. Beznosova, A. Tereshin
Climate change impact on energy demand in Russia
Ñ5-304 F. Opadchiy, A. Kataev, B. Ayuev
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D1-105 N. Utts, V. Zubarev
High capacity tidal power plant utilization for electric power production in the unified power system of Russia
D2-203 Ì. Solntsev, V. Ishkin, V. Bushuev
Information and communication systems in the deregulation îf the energy sector in Russia

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