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Terabits-Per-Second Data Rates Achieved at Short Range

30 April 2020

Superfast transmission speeds could prove useful in data centers and for chip-to-chip connections More >>

Highly efficient and stable double layer solar cell developed

30 April 2020

A research team has developed a new type of solar cell that can both withstand environmental hazards and is 26.7% efficient in power conversion. More >>

Tesla Virtual Power Plant with Powerwalls proves successful in early phase, report says

30 April 2020

Tesla is participating in a massive ‘Virtual Power Plant’ using its Powerwall in South Australia and the first phase of the system is already proving successful according to a new report. More >>

A novel artificial intelligence system that predicts air pollution levels

27 March 2020

Prediction uncertainty analysis. The green line is the actual PM2.5 levels measured from a sensor. The blue line is the system’s PM2.5 prediction. The red lines outline the probability range the system believes the levels will fall within. More >>

The power of light for internet of underwater things

27 March 2020

Rational design of the multi-functional electrolyte solvent. The important functions of high-voltage tolerance (oxidation stability and SEI formation) and non-flammability are allocated to each part of the molecular structure. More >>

A cyclic phosphate-based electrolyte for safe and high voltage lithium-ion batteries

27 March 2020

Rational design of the multi-functional electrolyte solvent. The important functions of high-voltage tolerance (oxidation stability and SEI formation) and non-flammability are allocated to each part of the molecular structure. More >>

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The Latest News

CIGRE Russia invites to take part in the surveys launched in preparation for the International Forum «Power Grids»

23-25 December 2020 will take place The "Power Grids" International Forum (PGIF). It held by the PJSC Rosseti since 2018 is a large-scale event in the electric power industry, which has become a platform for discussing and solving priority tasks related to the digital transformation of the electric grid complex.


Turning streetwear into solar power plants

Researchers at Empa and ETH Zurich succeeded in developing a material that works like a luminescent solar concentrator and can even be applied to textiles. This opens up numerous possibilities for producing energy directly where it is needed, i.e. in the use of everyday electronics.
